Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Penerapan Metode Peta Konsep

  • Rini Yulia Agustini SDN 240 Cijerah Indah
Keywords: concept map method, learning outcomes


Science subjects are subjects that begin with curiosity and are able to stimulate students' thinking skills. Science includes elements of attitude, process, product, and application. This research was conducted based on the findings of the problem in the form of low science learning outcomes of fifth grade students in an elementary school in the Cijerah area on the subject of the human respiratory system. Preliminary data on learning outcomes of science class V students on the material of the human respiratory system showed low results of 12.90% which had reached KKM 70. This study aimed to obtain learning data by using the concept map method on the subject of the human respiratory system in order to improve science learning outcomes. This research was conducted in class V at an elementary school in the Cijerah area of Bandung, with 31 students in class V-A. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) carried out in two cycles, in each cycle carried out two actions consisting of several activities, including: planning, implementing research actions, observing / analyzing data and reflection. Student learning outcomes are measured using a product assessment instrument consisting of pretest and posttest. Assessment standards are based on the achievement of KKM (Minimum Completeness Criteria) which is set at 70. The results of the study indicate that the learning outcomes of science class V students have increased significantly. In the first cycle pretest as many as 7 students who completed reached KKM 70 with a percentage of 22.58%. Whereas in the first cycle posttests, as many as 14 students had completed with a percentage of 45.16%. In the second cycle pretest, as many as 21 students completed KKM 70 with a percentage of 67.74%. Whereas in the second cycle posttests, as many as 27 students had completely reached KKM 70 with a percentage of 87.10%. It can be concluded that science learning by using the concept map method can improve student learning outcomes in class V.


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How to Cite
Agustini, R. (2019). Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Penerapan Metode Peta Konsep. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 2(1), 54-61. Retrieved from http://journal.unla.ac.id/index.php/pej/article/view/1392