Peranan Resource Center SLB Sukapura Kota Bandung dalam Mengoptimalkan Layanan Pendidikan Inklusif

  • Gunansyah Priyatna Sekolah Luar Biasa C Sukapura Kota Bandung
Keywords: Resource Center, Inclusive Education


The implementation of inclusive education is still facing many problems, which are related to the attitudes of parents, schools providing inclusive education , SPPI and Resource Center (RC). Problems faced include: many parents and communities who still do not yet fully accept and do not understand how to treat children with special needs. Moreover, there are still many principals and teachers in regular schools who do not yet understand about children with special needs and inclusive education and education services at SPPI which has not been optimal. Resource center is a specialized institution formed in the context of developing special education or inclusive education which can be utilized by all parties. In accordance with their roles and functions, RC Sukapura has carried out various activities to overcome the problems faced, namely organizing the socialization of the importance of Inclusive education, seminar activities, exhibitions, and interactive dialogue. Home visits to regular schools in the RC environment Sukapura including elementary, middle and high school are also done, so that the schools are willing to accept the existence of students with special needs and optimize RC support for inclusive education especially in helping SPPI.

How to Cite
Priyatna, G. (2018). Peranan Resource Center SLB Sukapura Kota Bandung dalam Mengoptimalkan Layanan Pendidikan Inklusif. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 1(2), 106-112. Retrieved from