Kesulitan Mahasiswa PGSD dalam Mengembangkan Pembelajaran IPA SD Kelas Rendah

  • Aprilia Eki Saputri Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Difficulty, Natural Sciences Learning, Lower Grade in elementary school


The development of attitudes, skills, and scientific knowledge in science learning must be done early to fa- miliarize and prepare students for more complex science learning. In the Kurikulum 2013, science subject is integrated with Indonesian subject. The problem is the undeveloped students' attitudes, process skills, and scientific knowledge in the lower classes of elementary school (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades) that will inhibit the science learning in the higher classes (4th, 5th, and 6th grades). This study aimed to analyze the difficulties that faced by PGSD students in developing science learning in lower classes of elementary school. This case study used observation sheets, interview, and documentation study guidelines as data collection instru- ments. The results of this study indicated that there were several causes of lower classes students in experi- encing difficulties in developing science learning. First, students were difficult to identify science material contained in Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Bahasa Indonesia. Second, students were difficult to identify science process skills that must be developed for lower classes. Finally, students had difficulty in determining the learning activities to integrate the scientific process skills and language skills.

How to Cite
Saputri, A. (2018). Kesulitan Mahasiswa PGSD dalam Mengembangkan Pembelajaran IPA SD Kelas Rendah. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 1(2), 74-79. Retrieved from