Peran Literasi Media Bagi Pengembangan Kreativitas Siswa dalam Menulis Puisi di SD

  • Dadang Gunadi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang
  • Yena Sumayana Program Studi Pendidikan Furu SD, STKIP Sebelas April Sumedang
Keywords: The Media Literacy, Creativity, Poem Writing


Language has a significant role of communication among people. Communication at a school was properly practiced through language in either oral or written way. The activity was interrelating among four integrated skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students need to learn about the four language proficiencies actively and productively. One of them is writing. It is a process of expressing ideas, notion, and feeling through the written symbols. The writing activity surely has some various kinds—one of them is the poem writing. It is not only writing but also someone has to possess creativity talent to write down a poem. The talent can come up if it is attained by several aspects. One of them is information media. Its role to the students’ creativity in the poem writing is highly expected. In addition, the teachers’ competence of selecting, using, and utilizing the learning media can surely influence their competence of writing a poem. The students which were familiar with the information media will of course possess high creativity of managing their ideas as to produce a good poem.


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How to Cite
Gunadi, D., & Sumayana, Y. (2018). Peran Literasi Media Bagi Pengembangan Kreativitas Siswa dalam Menulis Puisi di SD. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 1(1), 61-66. Retrieved from