Apresiasi Puisi Melalui Media Musikalisasi di SLB C Sukapura Kota Bandung

  • Eem Ruhaemi Sekolah Luar Biasa C Sukapura Kota Bandung
Keywords: Ability, Appreciation, Musicalization


Background in this research is effort to improve ability of student of mentally disabled C.1 class VII SMPLB level on learning poetic appreciation. One way to cultivate students' interest in poetry appreciation is through the presentation of musical media of poetry. The reasons that encourage the author to do this research is in class VII with the number of students 5 people, no one can read, the five students are fond of playing music and singing, through songs or songs can facilitate students memorize poetry. The goal to be achieved by the authors in this study is to obtain data that the poetry music media can attract student’s interest in learning poetry appreciation and poetry music media can help students memorize the poem easily. The method in this research used form of classroom action research models Kemmis and McTaggart The application of the poetry musical media gives positive changes to the poetry appreciation learning through songs that facilitate students to memorize poetry, video presentation of musical poetry motivates students in learning to appreciate poetry, foster talents of students playing music and singing, nurturing taste and subtlety on students through literary and artistic works.


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How to Cite
Ruhaemi, E. (2018). Apresiasi Puisi Melalui Media Musikalisasi di SLB C Sukapura Kota Bandung. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 1(1), 50-54. Retrieved from http://journal.unla.ac.id/index.php/pej/article/view/1072