Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered-Head Together untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Peserta Didik

  • Aina Mardiah Program Studi Pendidikan Guru SD, FKIP Universitas Langlangbuana
  • Rina Kurnia Program Studi Pendidikan Guru SD, FKIP Universitas Langlangbuana
Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model Numbered-Head Together Type, Mathematical Understanding Ability


This research is motivated by the low ability of mathematical understanding of learners in mathematics learning. Many learners think that mathematics is a difficult, complicated, and boring subject. It happens because the learners do not understand what they are learning. Therefore, researchers modify or develop cooperative learning model type numbered-head together to improve students' mathematical understanding on mathematics learning. The purpose of this research is to find out the mathematics learning in Babakantiga Elementary School at the present, to develop the design of cooperative learning model type numbered head together in learning mathematics, to discover the steps of developing cooperative learning model type numbered head together to improve ability of mathematical understanding, to see the differences of learners’ ability in mathematical understanding between control class and experimental class on learning mathematics, and to find out the improvement of learners’ ability in mathematical understanding in mathematics learning after applying cooperative learning model type numbered-head together. Research method used in this research is research and development method. The design of this research is non equivalent control group design. Population in this research is entire fifth grade class Babakantiga Elementary School. The samples used by the researchers are two classes, the selected classes are fifth grade class B as the experimental class and the fifth grade class C as the control class. This study was conducted in three trials. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded that the development of cooperative learning model type numbered head together is more effectively used in learning mathematics to improve the ability of students' mathematical understanding with a gain value of 0.70 compared with learning that does not apply cooperative learning model type numbered-head together with gain value of 0.41.


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How to Cite
Mardiah, A., & Kurnia, R. (2018). Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered-Head Together untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Peserta Didik. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 1(1), 20-35. Retrieved from