Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Melalui Lesson Studi

  • Ridwan Jusuf Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, FKIP Universitas Khairun Ternate
Keywords: Lesson Study NHT, IOC, STAD, JIGSAW


Lesson Study is a model of professional development of educators through collaborative learning assessment and sustainable based on the principles of collegiality of mutual help in learning to build a learning community. One task of the lecturer is as educators whose task is to develop the potential of students. The objectives to be achieved in the Lesson Study activities are, to improve the process of lectures at universities in the field of physical education and courses devoted to the Teaching and Learning Physics. Lecture method used in the implementation of Lesson Study in subjects Learning and Learning is varied, the first meeting of lectures by using a model of cooperative learning NHT on material Role of Teachers in learning physics, a second meeting using Cooperative types of IOC on the material Teaching Methods of Physics, the third meeting use cooperative STAD on Media in Learning physics of matter and the fourth meeting of the co-operative use of Jigsaw in the material models in learning physics. The event was held for 4 cycles of activity, where each cycle implemented by stages Plan, Do and See. In this activity using the method of observation and documentation of the lecture. Through 4 stages of the activity cycles, each cycle of the activities carried out, the weakness that occurs in the classroom lectures related to the process can be improved. The results of the implementation of Lesson Study in subjects Learning and learning physics, namely: the meeting first lecture conducted by using a model of cooperative learning NHT on material Role of Teachers in Learning physics is the findings, there are still many students who are not yet ready to implement the model lesson, but they are very happy because this model students are expected to be more active. At the second meeting, lecture implemented using the type Cooperative IOC on Teaching Methods of Physics obtained material, many students who are ready to implement the learning model, and they are very happy because this model is expected to be more active students to share with their partner. The third meeting, lecture conducted by using cooperative STAD on the material Media in Learning physics, the findings of lectures conducted the study turned out to be very enjoyable so that the results are also good and they are very happy because this model is expected to be more active student group discussion. The fourth meeting, lectures conducted using the material of Jigsaw cooperative models in Learning physics student obtained results are very active during the learning takes place because they have a duty to explain to the members of the other group, so all the students actively in learning.


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How to Cite
Jusuf, R. (2018). Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Melalui Lesson Studi. Primaria Educationem Journal (PEJ), 1(1), 8-19. Retrieved from