GOVERNANCE <p>Governance merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang mengangkat masalah-masalah aktual mengenai politik pemerintahan dan kebijakan publik berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan analisis kritis. Setiap volume terdiri atas dua edisi yang terbit pada bulan Juli dan Januari. Artikel-artikel yang dimuat pada jurnal ini merupakan kumpulan kajian ilmu pemerintahan sejalan dengan perkembangan paradigma keilmuan dan fokus perhatian ilmu pemerintahan baik di bidang politik, penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, kontemporer, birokrasi, pelayanan publik, manajemen pemerintahan, dan kebijakan publik. Governance: Jurnal Politik Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan Publik diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan Pascasarjana Universitas Langlangbuana Bandung.</p> en-US (Budi Kurniadi) Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 TINJAUAN FILOSOFIS PENDEKATAN PENELITIAN KUALITATIF <p><em>Philosophically, research to prove or find a truth can use two approaches, which are based on the philosophy of positivism and the philosophy of postpositivism. The results of qualitative research analysis are more ideographical, cannot be generalized to be more constructive, developing or discovering social theories.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Tati Sarihati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 WEWENANG, ORGANISASI DAN DESENTRALISASI SISTEM PENGENDALIAN DALAM PEMERINTAHAN <p><em>There are two main reasons why the government needed control systems. First range of control affect the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational work.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Too widening the range may mean that the organization must control a large number of units causing inefficient.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The range is too narrow can cause ineffective organization's existence.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Second, there is a relationship between the range of controls throughout the organization and organizational structure.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The more narrow range of management, organizational structure will form in tall with many levels of supervision between top management and the lowest level.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>Broad range of control will produce shaped structure flat, which means fewer management levels. Control functions need to be understood, implemented and developed by local governments throughout the device, so that in its development mission trips and local governance that is democratic, effective and efficient in the above can be accomplished in accordance with the objectives of regional autonomy.</em></p> Pandji Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 BUDAYA KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI DALAM PENYELESAIAN KASUS BALAPAN LIAR DI POLSEK CIPADUNG <p><em>The Indonesian National Police (Porli) is the National Police in Indonesia, which is directly responsible under the President. Porli has the motto Rastra Sewakotama which means the Main Servant for the Nusa Bangsa. Porli develops police duties throughout Indonesia, namely maintaining security and public order; enforcing the law; and provide protection, protection and services to the community. Porli is led by a Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kaporli). Communication and organizational climate are things that need to be a concern of an organizational leader because these factors at least influence the behavior of employees. Organizational communication climate consists of perceptions - perceptions of a macro evaluation of communication events, human behavior, other employee responses, expectations, interpersonal conflicts and opportunities for growth in that person. And in this pattern the Police Communication in Police Performance in the Cipadung area, if drawn the line according to the explanation by Hillreiger &amp; Slocum related to illegal racing cases that can be resolved by the Cipadung Police which causes the organizational subsystem to run on its members and their environment.</em></p> Ruhanda Ruhanda ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 REFORMASI BIROKRASI MENUJU GOOD GOVERNANCE <p><em>Globalization in various areas of life , especially the advancement of information technology and the transformation has encouraged the changing needs of the community , as well . encourage governments as public administration and public management to be able to reform itself in the direction of good governance.</em> <em>The main elements of the government . public administration and public management are characterized by good governance : Accountability . Transparency , openness, rule of law and the effectiveness and efficiency . As for the government's actions as public administration and public management are expected to realize the implementation and operationalization of the principles of good governance </em><em>among others : to function properly and not waste public money collected through the tax system, can perform its functions based on standard norms ethics and morality with justice, able to respect the legitimacy of the constitutional convention that reflects the sovereignty of the people ( democracy ), has a wide variety of responsiveness to the aspirations and demands of the growing participation in the community and society are positive to the question regarding the various policies being operated.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Diani Indah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA PADA PENINGKATAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN PUBLIK <p><em>Human resources are the main factor in running the wheels of government and are expected to improve the quality of services so that they truly uphold the values ​​of democracy and independence that are rooted in the local community. Therefore, the government, especially local governments, is expected to understand and pay attention to human resources through training and development that will improve the quality of public services in every sector of public services, so how to implement these services efficiently and effectively and to measure the performance of public services. has been given. Efforts to improve service quality can be carried out by developing human resources through technical and theoretical trainings and compiling models and strategies for public services in each service organization unit. Service models and strategies that are more operational and implementative as a solution to improving the quality of public services are also a way to bring together the expectations of the community and the expectations of service providers in being accountable to the mandate or to the community directly.</em></p> M Ikrar Budijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 PEMBINAAN KETERTIBAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENCEGAHAN KEKERASAN TERHADAP REMAJA DAN ANAK DI POLRES CIMAHI <p><em>Public security and order is a dynamic situation and condition of society as a prerequisite for the implementation of the development process in the context of achieving national goals, which is marked by the assurance of security, order and law enforcement and the creation of peace which contains the ability to foster and develop the potential and strength of the community in preventing, preventing and overcoming everything. forms of lawlessness are also other forms of disturbance that are troubling the public.</em> <em>Maintaining public security and order (Harkamtibmas) is one of the main tasks of the National Police as mandated in Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia which is actualized through several task fields such as pre-emtive, preventive and repressive (law enforcement) activities which are all carried out continuously by the Police.</em></p> Lisdawati Wahyudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 PROSPEKTIF HUKUM TERHADAP TRAFIKING MENURUT UNDANG-UNDANG DAN RESOLUSI DEWAN KEAMANAN PBB <p><em>Trafficking means trafficking of women and children. Trafficking of women and children is a sales transaction between a seller and a buyer at an agreed price. trafficking also contains elements of coercion, fraud, threats of violence and abuse of power for exploitation purposes. The cause of trafficking is the lack of understanding of children's rights. Children by some families are still considered the property of their parents, so they are vulnerable to becoming victims of trafficking. The main factors for the rampant trafficking of women and children are poverty, education, young marriage, market demand that promises large enough money that makes some parents tempted and sell their children to prostitution brokers.</em></p> Cecep Dudi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 STRATEGI POLITIK DAN PEMBERDAYAAN DALAM PENANGGULANGAN MASALAH KEMISKINAN <p><em>Poverty reduction as a part of social problems that is latent, complex, multi-dimensional and universal is still the main agenda, especially in developing countries including Indonesia and Malaysia, so it requires appropriate policy choices and demands understanding. and strategic thinking in handling it. Development programs directed at the poor, both carried out by the government (public) and private (private), including the optimization of the role of social workers in social engineering are still faced with real challenges. Development carried out in a country contains consequences for the emergence of various social problems, including poverty which moves very progressively. This condition is a challenge that needs to be answered both conceptually and in action programs. Optimizing the role of social workers in carrying out effective social engineering is certainly inseparable from human skills in identifying social, economic and political dimensions, so that their movements work in synergy with institutional empowerment efforts and the real conditions of the poor who will be empowered.</em></p> Siti Anah Kunyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100 REFORMASI BIROKRASI: Membangun Semangat Baru Administrasi Publik <p><em>This paper explains the extent to which Indonesia have taken up new public management (NPM) reforms which begin by paradigm shift on Public Administrations. While Indonesia has taken up elements of the NPM agenda, It isn’t adopted anything remotely near the entire package. Moreover, plenty of reform initiatives are going on that are unrelated or even contrary to that agenda. New public management ideas are influential, but more so at the level of rhetoric than practice. </em><em>&nbsp;The paper goes on to examine the argument that the new public management is inappropriate to developing countries on account of problems such as corruption and low administrative capacity, including Indonsia. There are NPM success stories as well as failures in the developing world. The outcome of individual NPM initiatives depends on localised contingency factors rather than any general national characteristics. Reformers need to keep an open mind as to what may work and what may not, and to be guided by the needs of the situation. </em></p> Tatang Parjaman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:00:00 +0100